Press Statement
The SA Zionist Federation Cape Council (SAZF CC)
24 June 2024
The recent decisions by the University of Cape Town’s (UCT) council to endorse motions calling for the boycott of Israeli institutions mark a troubling turn in the university’s commitment to academic freedom and global collaboration.
The South African Zionist Federation Cape Council (SAZF CC) is deeply dismayed by this development, which poses significant risks to the university’s academic and financial well-being, as well as to the principles of intellectual freedom and diversity.
One motion targets a boycott of Israeli universities associated with the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). Given Israel’s universal conscription policy, this effectively amounts to a blanket boycott of all Israeli academic institutions. Such a sweeping measure undermines the essence of academic freedom, which thrives on the free exchange of ideas and the collaboration of scholars across borders.
This boycott infringes upon the constitutional right of UCT staff and students to freely associate and collaborate with their peers worldwide. Academic freedom depends on the diversity of perspectives and the opportunity for open debate, both of which are stifled by such actions.
Furthermore, this boycott fosters a hostile environment for Jewish students and staff, increasing the likelihood of antisemitic incidents on campus. Singling out Israeli institutions implicitly targets the Jewish community, contradicting the values of inclusivity and safety that any academic institution should uphold.
The international academic community may view UCT’s actions as evidence of politically biased leadership, prioritising partisan goals over the pursuit of knowledge and academic excellence.
This perception can have far-reaching consequences, notably in diminishing the university’s ability to attract international funding and participate in multi-national research initiatives. Israeli universities are globally recognised leaders in fields such as water management, medical research, entrepreneurship, agriculture, and artificial intelligence. Excluding UCT from collaborations with Israeli scholars severely hampers its potential to remain at the forefront of these critical areas.
The boycott not only jeopardises UCT’s research and development capabilities but also the future prospects of its students, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds who rely on international bursaries and funding for their education. By isolating itself from Israeli academic institutions, UCT is choosing to forgo invaluable opportunities for its students and researchers.
The SAZF calls upon UCT’s council to reconsider these motions. Upholding academic freedom, fostering an inclusive environment, and maintaining global partnerships are essential for the university’s mission. It is imperative that UCT remains a space where knowledge and ideas can flow freely, unimpeded by political biases and discriminatory practices.
Issued by the SAZF CC
David Cohen
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