The South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) strongly condemns President Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent newsletter for its grossly inaccurate portrayal of the 7 October 2023 events and the ongoing conflict. The president’s narrative dangerously downplays the horrific terrorist massacre by Hamas—an internationally recognised terrorist organisation—while presenting a distorted view of Israel’s defensive actions. This stance is unbecoming of a president who should represent all South Africans, including the Jewish community who support Israel and have made enormous contributions to building South Africa.

The president erroneously places blame on Israel for a war initiated and perpetuated by Hamas, a brutal terrorist organisation still holding over 100 Israelis hostage in deplorable conditions. This misrepresentation of facts does not contribute to peace in the Middle East; instead, it fosters a divisive environment in South Africa. It is crucial to understand that Hamas does not seek peaceful resolution—its stated goal is the destruction of Israel. By framing the conflict inaccurately, the President’s message aligns with a revisionist history that disregards the Israeli people’s fundamental right to defend their existence against multiple existential threats.

The Jewish community in South Africa stands firmly with Israel, a nation demonstrating exceptional resilience in the face of terror. While we mourn every innocent life lost, it is vital to recognise that Israel’s response is not about vengeance—it is about survival. This is not a conflict between equals, but a war waged by a terrorist group against civilians, with the explicit aim of destroying the world’s only Jewish state.

It is important to note that despite Hamas’s strategy of using civilians as human shields, Israel goes to extraordinary lengths to minimise civilian casualties, including warning of impending strikes and aborting missions when civilians are present—measures that are unprecedented in modern warfare.

We urge the South African government to acknowledge these realities and support efforts aimed at securing lasting peace through the defeat of Hamas and other extremist groups. We also call on the government to use its influence to demand the immediate return of all hostages. True peace can only be achieved when terrorism is decisively defeated and Israel’s right to exist is universally recognised and respected. The path to peace requires the complete dismantling of terrorist organisations like Hamas and Hezbollah, which pose an existential threat not only to Israel but to the stability of the entire region.

The SAZF remains committed to promoting understanding, countering misinformation, and supporting efforts towards a just and lasting peace in the Middle East—one that ensures the security of Israel and the well-being of all people in the region.